Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Color Block it up!

If you know me, you know how much I love colors. And not just any old colors. I’m talking bold, bright, in-your-face, neon colors.

If I could literally be a walking representation of this, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Burano, Italy
From the headband on my head to the nail polish on my toes, I am a firm believer that indulging in loud and funky colors can help drastically improve your mood and your outside appearance. So, it only makes sense that this season’s newest trend is one that I am particularly excited about.

As the weather gets warmer and the sun shines a little bit more this season, your wardrobe should be able to do the same. Color-blocking is the perfect way to add some spunk to your closet and your lifestyle. However, if you aren’t careful, you may end up looking like a super box of Crayola crayons threw up all over you.

Here are a few tips to help you color your world!

The trick to a successful color block is to mix colors you would not normally pair together. But don’t get too excited yet ladies (and colorful gents)! There is a method to all this colorful madness.

The best colors to color block with are:

1. Colors directly next to each other (i.e. yellow and yellow-orange; yellow and yellow-green; violet and blue-violet, etc.)

2. Colors that form right (90 degree) angles with each other (i.e. yellow and red-orange; blue and violet-red; green and orange, etc.)

3. Colors directly across from each other (i.e. yellow and violet; blue and orange; red and green, etc.)

4. Colors that form a T (i.e. blue, orange, and violet-red; yellow, violet, and red-orange; yellow, blue-green, and red-orange, etc.)

5. Colors that form an X (i.e. blue, orange, violet-red, and yellow, violet, blue-green, and red-orange, etc.)

If you’re a little on the shy side and aren’t quite ready to dive into the sea of jewel toned colors, remember, color-blocking does not have to be strictly limited to your clothing! You can color block with your accessories, such as pairing a royal purple heel with a burnt orange clutch. And if that’s still a little too bold for your taste, try experimenting with makeup products and eye shadows!

Gucci, Spring 2011

Whatever you do, remember to be daring and have fun. Don’t be afraid to venture out of your comfort zone and experiment with what’s in your closet. That’s what colors are here for! And who knows, after playing around with vibrant colors all day, you may never want to see another piece of black or white clothing again.

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